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Archive for the ‘Rehab Care Clinics’ Category

My Boyfriend Is in an Acute Care Rehab Hospital?

Question by featherjack: my boyfriend is in an acute care rehab hospital?
he had 2 failed hip replacement surgeries, and got a really bad staph infection. he has no right hip at present. the acute care facility wants to discharge him to my house. he needs antibiotic injections every 4 hrs, is in much pain, cannot use right foot at all (right hip will be out until infection is cured (about another 4 weeks) and then another 6 weeks of strengthening physical therapy exercises. then he will get the new (3rd) hip replacement put in. after that, he will need physical therapy.
i am afraid to have him at home now, because i do not think it is safe. he outweighs me by more than 100 lbs, and the iv antibiotic injections must be given every 4 hrs., round the clock. he dreads going to a nursing home, where the care is very poor, the physical therapy is minimal, the homes are very understaffed.
much as i would love to have him at home, i do not think i am capable of caring for him. i’m not strong (can lift a max of 10 lbs. and have a torn meniscus in my right knee.
i think i am going to have to tell him i can not let him come home until the antibiotic injections are finished and the infection is totally cured. i think i could handle it if he then came home….with wheelchair and walker. (he cannot put any pressure on his right leg because he has no hip). but he cries when i mention the nursing home. i am trying to get the acute care rehab hospital to keep him till the infection is completely gone. that makes sense to me. it takes 2 attendants to move him from bed to walker to bathroom, or to wheelchair. in our local nursing homes, instead of taking patients to the bathroom when they need to go, they prefer that they soil themselves in bed and then get changed. it’s an ugly situation.
any ideas on how to convince the acute care hospital to keep him at least till the infection is cured???
this is heartbreaking. i don’t want to disappoint him. he cries, and he’s NOT a whiner. but i don’t think he will be same at home yet.
thank you for any and all ideas.

What Is a Teritary Pain Clinic?

Question by vicki: What is a Teritary pain clinic?
Specialist says I should go to a Tertiary pain clinic.

Best answer:

Answer by af
I believe it’s when they cannot treat the primary cause of your pain, they just have to treat the symptoms themselves

Support Groups Are Willing to Offer Help in Many Ways

Support groups are willing to offer help in many ways
KINGSPORT TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY: HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital; third Thursday, 7-8 p.m.; for TBI survivors, family members; supported by Crumley House Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center; everyone welcome; 423-257-3644.

SAV Summer Fest Celebration

SAV Summer Fest Celebration — Here’s a clip from the 8th Annual Summer Fest Celebration at St Andrews Village, Indiana PA. Find out more at Summer Fest Sponsors: …

Take Care Clinics Expand Scope of Health Care Services

Take Care Clinics Expand Scope of Health Care Services — Walgreens Take Care Clinic b-roll and SOTs

Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic recognizes donors
Lafayette Community Health Care Clinic celebrated cumulative giving and recognized the donors who have supported the Clinic from 1999-2013 on April 23, 2014 at the Petroleum Club. Founder, Dr. Terry Cromwell, spoke passionately about the history of …
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